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The methods of advertising have been successful or not, Why?

Juan Valdez Advertising

The results in advertising Juan Valdez have been different and each identified advertising channels to strategic objectives. Is that where your greatest success has been positioning its image as a brand to be at the top of mind of consumers.


TVSPOTS: Initially, the first objective was to publicize their brand locally, new tvspot have also positioned the product internationally. Each TV commercial is part of a different campaign.

Some tvspots have focused on expanding the market and expand the portfolio of new products and presentations. However other trade have focused on increasing coffee consumption, not only for new customers, but existing customers for promoting coffee consumption in unusual hours

The success of the campaigns has been total, not only for position every new line of Premium products as Colombian coffee, but to boost coffee consumption at different times of day. Other tvspots have also been successful as others teach the user advantages of coffee, as is the place, attention to the customer and the variety of products that can accompany coffee.

Banners: Regarding banners and web campaigns, these have not been created to create traffic or consumption of any recruitment, his goal has been directed to promote local consumption, using tools such as geolocation and preference profiles browsers the website. The campaigns have been successful in integrating attractive, colorful images that inspire and transported to the user of your computer to one of the nearby shops.

Social media: In social networks Juan Valdez has a very strong campaign with more than 2.2 million fans, in which the feedback from users, preferences and opinions are essential to implement changes and create a better strategy in the next campaign.


Current campaigns focus on the originality of the brand, highlighting the beauty of Colombia by cultural issues and diversity in their characters.

Finally merchadising products generate a voice that transmits voice have tasted the best coffee in the world, I have been in a shop Juan Valdez and share a liking for the brand. Recuperado el 06 de 11 de 2015, de /es/sostenible-desde-el-origen?slide=7

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